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The Water Man

Many of our friends asked to read my poetry in English. Luckily, my husband is from Canada and was kind enough to translate many of my poems from the different collections. "Ramot" (Tel Aviv University) published them in THE WATER MAN in 1994. The lovely cover art is by George Jonas

Gulls Made Love

Gulls made love
on the water
I heard the sea
pass gently
between them
even the surrounding sands
held off the while.


When I fall asleep
in raincolors
and your hand passes raindrops
in my sleep
the sounds will bloom.

He Did Not Know

He did not know
That a woman loved him all night long
The next day a careful hand
Fluttered across his cheek
Her eyes full
Her voice rain
He did not know
That a woman loved him so
Each night
Tearing him from sleep
Gathering darkness from darkenss
And coming with a shout into his body.

End of July

What is this temor grasping
the end of July
bowing the oak
even the moonlight has lost its way
What is this tremor passing by
and the wine trees swaying before me

Sandy Beach

The Milky Way

The wine I gave up long ago
The music too
And the only light on in my room
Is the blue one
Every evening
Out of habit
Almost like the moon outside
And seeing it has about the same effect
I forgive
Provided that you are the night
Climbing the milky way.

Vintage Light Balls

I Don't Belong Here

I don't belong here

I don't belong anywhere

Gypsy eyes hint at a Gypsy body

even a Gypsy soul

tonight I'll dance

among the bonfire scarves

feet bare to the sand

hands bare to the flames

don't covet

the whispering coals

I don't belong here

I've grown leaves from the wind

blowing east from the desert

treeless, rootless

an open tent sail

I am love

passing through.

The Water Man

My water man
passes among the sleeping
and rubs them with his palms
until he shows their true color
he knows no rest
until he uncovers
even the most modest among them
I send him
a school of curious fish
searching out his slippery organs
with tiny bites of

My water man knows no fear

even when the air is gone

from his lungs

he makes love

to me.

Color Stain


How will you manage alone
He asked at the door
I will be like the frozen sea
No streams coming or going

Pink Paper

Make Love

Make love to me for all the days
the days gone by the days with you
make love until I am revealed
in daylight, and in darkness too.
Make lent to me
for the abandoned, homeless
forlorn and trembling,
behold and bless

Make love to me
for the fertile and bare
do not divide
Leave nothing behind.

He Did Not Know

He did not know
That a woman loved him all night long
The next day a careful hand
Fluttered across his cheek
Her eyes full
Her voice rain
He did not know
That a woman loved him so
Each night
Tearing him from sleep
Gathering darkness from darkenss
And coming with a shout into his body.


Fields free of furrows

grow what they will.

You can read the full "Water Man" collection here >>

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